It all started with a sailing trip


We’re Myles and Eithne.

For over 20 years, we’ve been working with technical experts and teams.

We thought we knew everything about communication challenges in cross-functional teams.

But then we sailed a small boat from Auckland to Ireland together.


Good communication doesn’t happen by accident. Particularly in technical teams. It takes time, effort and expertise.

Many communication training providers offer generic solutions. Some even cater specifically to technical teams, but few have worked with technical experts like we have.

As a Software Engineer and Chief Technology Officer, Myles has first-hand experience of what good communication looks like and what happens when communication breaks down. Eithne is an experienced Communications and Change Management professional with a passion for helping technical people communicate more effectively.

As Myles has spent his career tackling the same challenges that all technical teams face, Eithne’s focus has been on coming up with solutions to those challenges. So in 2019, we founded Wires Uncrossed to help technical experts and teams to connect with each other, with their customers, or with other people in their organisation.

The Wires Uncrossed Team

Vanessa Markwell

Leadership Cultivator

Steve Hurley

Change & Training Scout Master


Pick our brains

Want to tell us your story? Get in touch for a free consultation.